In the Swing

Text notification pings as I’m en route to my bed and book. It may still be light outside, but my own energy is dimming. When I hear the accompanying chirp from my husband’s phone, I halt and return to my own resting on the counter. The duet tells me that the likely source is our family group text—my son, my daughter-in-love, and us. It’s Sunday evening, and they have stayed in the valley rather than paying a weekend visit to the coast.

We miss them but easily understand. Nesting-full-steam-ahead occupies their days leading up to their son’s due date. Even the clarion cry of the Pacific fades in the face of what’s on their horizon. It’s the end of the weekend before what will be a busy work week for them; whatever causes a pause, a moment to update before Monday comes, I’m on high alert.

It’s a photo:

“It’s so cute! It works great…and friendly [grand dog] isn’t even that scared of it!”

Chills. It’s just stuff, baby stuff, that has such a limited lifespan, but memories sit in that swing—not that swing, but in the Fischer-Price far-from-cushy model that cradled my son when he was an infant. It has been recalled now, deemed unsafe for baby, and like so many of the child-rearing decisions I made in light of the overwhelming information new parents have now, it’s a wonder he turned out so great!

He used to swing with his little socks on and spend the cycle of handle-cranked motion rubbing one foot against the other until both socks lay abandoned beneath the chair. Triumphantly he’d gaze at me as if to say, “Put them on again. I’m ready to go.” Baby Joy!

I appreciate the oft-expressed truth that days crawl by with an infant but the years vanish in a flash. Those nine swinging months gave way to other discoveries, ones with both flashing feet on the ground and me barely keeping pace, but for while it lasted, that swing kept us both entertained. Mama Joy!

Here’s to that wherever, however, whenever, whatever: JOY!

15 thoughts on “In the Swing”

  1. What an incredibly beautiful post. It conveys your anticipation but also the bittersweet poignancy of how quickly time passes. It happens for me, too when I’m around my friend’s toddler grandchildren. I remember that toddler time. I remember the toddler “waddle,” the wiping their stubby fingers on your legs, and the roller coaster emotions, etc. It goes sooooooo fast.

  2. Yes, there will be lots of grandma posts! I can tell you from experience and the time flies by. Our grandson arrive four years ago – now almost 5. I am not sure where those years have gone we cuddled a little one and suddenly there is a bright and very active boy who enters our home yelling “Grandma Grandpa did you know…” Enjoy every minute of that time!

  3. Becoming a grandmother is the BEST. While the accessories bring memories now, soon it will be the snuggles and stories. Enjoy the building excitement.

  4. I love this post. Babies are so wonderful. We had the same swing that you describe for our children 35 years ago. It was a surefire way to get our son to fall asleep. Enjoy the anticipation and the baby when she/he arrives! Being a grandparent is wonderful!

    1. Thanks for the positive words. That chair lulled my son to sleep many times, too, and I always cringed when he was on the edge of sleep but awakened when it stopped swinging—and I had to hand-crank it to start it going again. Yikes!

  5. This is a wonderful and exciting time for everyone in your family. Yes, there will be more anticipatory posts and then the “firsts” post. No need to apologize for any of them. Bring them on. Enjoy this new chapter in your life.

    1. You are too kind. This is definitely part of my story. As Stanley Kunitz wrote in “The Layers”: “…no doubt the next chapter/in my book of transformations/is already written./I am not done with my changes.” Exciting, indeed!

  6. Congratulations on your impending BABY JOY, Trish. Did you mean to call your daughter-in-law, daughter-in-love. It doesn’t matter, but I actually prefer that term. My in-laws were so wonderful to me. I know they thought of me as their daughter-in-love. I can’t wait for your baby boy photos in that swing next to the friendly dog!

    1. Someone used that term “daughter-in-love” awhile back in a blog post, I don’t remember who or I’d personally thank them. It is the truest way to describe how I feel about her, so I’ve adopted it. I am SO lucky.

  7. Trish, how exciting! I’m so happy for you. Your writing is always a treasure. I love the way that swing photo inspired your post today, and those thoughtful memories of your own baby boy in the swing. How poignant and beautiful. Can’t wait to learn more.

  8. Remember how the baby would wake up when the swing stopped, or you cranked it again? Now the swing never stops… Trish, I’m so excited for you, for this new grandchild-to-be! It is the very best of journeys. I love this post; I am smitten with this wording here – “Even the clarion cry of the Pacific fades in the face of what’s on their horizon.”

  9. A photo that says “ready-and-waiting” for the joy to come – soon! Fun play on the title – getting “in the swing” of being a grandparent as well as the precious flow of memories of your son’s babyhood in that swing. Socks and all. Such a sweet, vivid image. Oh my, how the years do vanish in a flash…here are to all the priceless moments coming your way. My granddaughters are the joy of my life!

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